Friday, May 29, 2009

first Bonn, then Copenhagen

Ok, ok, ich weiß, dass derartige Massenaufrufe oft nerven, aber vielleicht, vielleicht hilft's ja, die National Government dieses Landes ein bisschen wachzurütteln, dass die Leute entsprechendes Handeln von ihnen erwarten... (the following outlines a Greenpeace initiative aimed at convincing the NZ Government to show stronger commitment to climate change mitigation action, so maybe a good cause that you could sign on to...?!)

The world is on the brink of runaway climate change and it’s time to get serious.
That’s why this year, Greenpeace is launching the most urgent, most

ambitious and most important campaign we’ve ever run. It’s called

Sign On.
World leaders need to Sign On to urgent action on climate change when they gather in Copenhagen this December, for what could be the most important meeting in history. We’re asking John Key to do the right thing in Copenhagen , by Signing On New Zealand to a forty percent emissions reduction target by 2020. This is what needs to happen if we are to save the climate.
From Lucy Lawless, Cliff Curtis and Keisha Castle-Hughes through to Stephen Tindall, Geoff Ross and Jim Salinger, Kiwis are uniting in this call to action. Diverse groups across NZ are campaigning hard to see a strong out come at Copenhagen and Sign On aims to promote the excellent work Kiwis are undertaking to save the climate like the 350 campaign.
By December, we need hundreds of thousands of other New Zealanders to have joined them, which is where you come in. Just visit the link below to Sign On and add your voice to the call
for action on climate change.

Together we can provide John Key with a strong mandate to do the right

thing in Copenhagen . It’s now or never.


Gareth Hughes



Ach ja, und noch was, was damit nicht wirklich zu tun hat: Ich hab gerade meine täglichen google alerts über biochar durchgeschaut und das hier gefunden:
Hm, macht sicherlich Sinn aus bio-chemischer Perspektive (spart den Dünger, den man noch zusätzlich auf die biochar kippen müsste). Trotzdem lustig

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